A collagraph is a print made from a collaged or textured board.  The plate is made from different kinds of board: mountboard, cardboard etc.

It can be worked in relief with materials on the surface or as intaglio method such as scoring lines or cutting away layers.

The finished plate is sealed with varnish/button polished ready for inking.


Lino is a relief printing process.  The image is cut into the surface with gouges.  The cut areas of the lino will not print.  The uncut surface will carry the ink.  Reduction lino is when parts are printed in colour, that colour gouged out and another colour added.


The image is made by blocking a screen with a stencil which controls where the ink passes through the mesh on the screen.  Introduction to screenprinting looks at indirect stencils, monoprinting and the use of water-soluble pastels on the screen, using water-based inks.


Drypoint is an intaglio process and is the most immediate and sensitive giving one the ability to create intricate and detailed images.  The surface of a plate is scratched which creates a groove which will carry the ink.  Can be used on metal plates, Perspex and acetate.


This is an expressive way of creating a unique print without a matrix.  Monos are one-off print.  They can be made using acetate the plate inked up and then printed or inking the acetate (or similar) drawing into it and then printing.


Photopolymer plates are coated with a light-sensitive resin that hardens when exposed to UV light.  This process allows you to create intaglio plates both from exposed photograph positives and hand drawn images and print using an etching press.

MOKULITO (wood lithography in Japanese)

It is a technique using a plywood plate. It relies on the fact that water and oil do not mix and the image is drawn using greasy inks and crayons onto the printing matrix. Editions are small and variable. It was developed in Japan in the 70s by Osaku Schisi.